Thursday, December 4, 2008

Help Wanted Nightmares

Recently, an employer told me about the response he received after placing an employment wanted ad on Craig’s List. Firstly, he was amazed at how many people apply for a position they have absolutely no qualifications for. Not that he wouldn’t hire someone without experience, but the key thing here is “qualifications”. Unless you can demonstrate exactly how your talents and skills can transfer to this field you have never worked in, you are wasting your time and an employers time sending in a résumé. The inexperienced person applying for the position seems to have no idea as to how much they look like an idiot. He said that if he ever ran into some of these people, he would be hard pressed not to say something about their application.

Secondly, about one out of five followed the directions in the advertisement. He asked for specific examples of the demonstrated skills and talents he was looking for and only one out of five sent what he asked. Once again he ended up shuffling through a pile of incomplete applications that were doing nothing other than wasting his time. It is no wonder most employers hate trying to find someone by advertising positions. It is so much easier to hire someone you know, or someone who comes highly recommended.

Something to keep in mind the next time your focused on sending out hundreds of résumés to jobs you’ll never get.

Your comments are welcome - Blogger Boy


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