Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Objective, Summary, Profile or what??

Here it is, another one of those million dollar questions. Do I start my résumé off with an objective, a summary or a profile? The answer.. drum roll please…I don’t care. Truly, I just don’t care. What you say at the top of your résumé depends on you, your personality and the point you are trying to make when you write it. I recommend you think about it this way. If the top half of your résumé were beach front property, what kind of house would you put on it? Hopefully, common sense would tell you to put up a house that looks like it belongs on the beach, something that catches the eye, stands out, and looks fantastic. This rule applies to your résumé as well. You want something that catches the reader’s eye and stands out. “To utilize my skills to enhance the performance of your company:” simply doesn’t cut it. Actually it almost makes a person yawn just reading it.

Take your time on that opening line. Really think about what you want to get across. You only have about thirty seconds to get their attention and if the reader doesn’t think you have the skills to do the job right off the top, they may never make it to the bottom of your résumé.

Objective, summary or profile? I don’t care.

Your comments are welcome.
Glen Slingerland Skills 101/ job Development


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