Target, Target, Target
I am one of those people who truly believe you have to do a full meal deal job search when looking for work. That means not relying on any one single method as a way of looking for work. Internet, newspaper, networking, it’s all important and it all ads up. People who tend to only look for work using one method are often on an extended job search.
Then out of left field I meet Cindy (the name has been changed to protect her identity). Anytime Cindy looks for work she only uses the internet. She looks for the work online, researches the company online and applies online. Never leaving the comfort of her home office or venturing out to meet and greet employers. She also has an extremely high ratio of call backs and interviews per application. I witnessed her receive ten call backs out of twelve applications. She may attend as many as six interviews before deciding on which position she will take. For her the deciding factor will be the people, the environment and the distance from her house. Hey, gas is expensive.
Why is she is so successful while others send out hundreds of applications and not hear a thing? She knows how to target her résumé and cover letter to each position. She also knows exactly what her skills are and which job matches those skill sets. She never applies for a job she thinks she can do. When she applys, she KNOWS she can do the job. That is the key. Too many people apply for positions they think they can do without having the right skills to be applying for the job in the first place.
Secondly, her cover letter and resume are well written. When you are applying online the job search becomes a level playing field. However the one thing that can set you apart is making sure your application is well written and error free.
Glen Slingerland - Skills 101 / Job Development
glenbuddy, this is great, congrats, both articles are profound & practical. I look forward to reading & commenting on this timely blog. Once again you've served it up!!!rond
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